Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hilarious Emma Quotes!:)

These are the funniest quotes that I said when I was 2 & 3 years old. My mom wrote them down. We have kept them all these years. We just found them. They are laugh-out-loud funny!:)

Quote 1:
"It's raining Mom, we better get in Noah's Ark."

Quote 2:
"Mommy, what is the last number?"

Quote 3:
"My knee stepped on my finger."
~said to my Grandma~

Quote 4:
"You have Uncle Scott's face."

Quote 5:
Mommy-" You need a haircut."
Me- "I already got a haircut."
Mommy- "You need another one."
Me- "Where did my other one go?"

Quote 7:
"Where do we go when we go to night-night?"

Quote 8:
"Mom when I was a baby did I eat on your shirt like Ollie does Aunt Val?"
(referring to Aunt Val nursing Ollie)

Quote 9:
"Can we go to the World Wide Web? How do you get there?"

Ha-ha, so funny.